Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everybody I’ve ever known.

Yesterday I found the bike I want at The Bike Coop down town. It's selling for such a good price, and I'm going to buy it! even though I don't exactly have money that I can spend on it, but I don't care. I'm super stoked! After that I went on a huge adventure to many different herb stores trying to find a place that sold kumbucha starters. After a long hard search I was pointed in the direction to the Coop Market. Which duh I don't know why I didn’t think to look there but they had it! So I'm going to try and make my very own kumbucha, hopefully it works. I ended my night around a coffee shop. Where I drank tea and waited for my friends concert to start. It was pretty fun especially when Three drunk homeless guys showed up and started furiously head banging right at the front of the stage. ( it was a free show downtown)

In other words I went to the Avengers casting call today and while I was there I finished my book Invisible Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk. I can't stop reading his books.1st Rant followed by Choke and now this. I don't normally read the same author more then once. Well HOPEFULLY I get a part in The Avengers!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I've been making crafts like crazy recently. Hints all these bows
I'm debating on starting up an Etsy account to try and sell all these crafty items (flowers,bows,clothes)
But I havent decided yet
hmmm.. think, think, think...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Eugene Eugene Eugene

   I'll probably end up writing a lot in the next couple of days because I have so much to tell. This past week and odd number of days I have been in beautiful Eugene Oregon. Words cannot describe the ecstatic experience I had. I guess I can only try to explain and put up some pictures that don't do Eugene any justice. My Trip started with me arriving in rainy Portland around 2:30ish in the afternoon.Jessy and Asa were waiting to pick me up and show me the sights of Portland. It turned out most places they wanted to take me were closing down, But I did get to see Powell's bookstore which is apparently the biggest bookstore in America, and quite overwhelming. Though I had to keep myself from buying any books. I'll speed Up this whole process of story telling now. My most memorable moments in Oregon; Rain-Rain-Rain, Green everywhere, handmade crafts,art, Thai Iced Tea, library, Sandman Comic, Sundance Market, Warpaint concert, The W.O.W, Picnic in Ceder Falls,Spencer View, Climbing Spencer’s Butte, Daffodils, Brewing Beer, Whiskey, Naked hot tubing in the rain, Cats, Jessy, Asa, Taylor, River, Rowan, Freddy, Zack, Kate, Noah, Drew, Hidden Weed butter in coffee, Tea, Music, Walking, Voodoo Doughnuts I ate the Old Dirty Bastard, Scandalous Hand made underwear, Ginger cookies, Carpet cleaner, Little Hidden Houses, Olive Bee the bunny, Paper Planes, Town under lake, Recycle Store, Fallen Key lime pie, Amazon park, Mud, Craft Center,Food Carts,Carzy Hirons store, Kumbucha,$3.99 Sandwhich pickle and chips, Grave yard,

It was really hard to leave

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spring break


   I've been juggling my school and social life so much recently that it's nice to finally have a break from college and just be with my friends. 
    For my spring break I'm flying out to Eugene Oregon to see my best friend Jessica who I haven’t seen In months! I'm SO excited. though it hasn’t hit me yet that I'm leaving Friday. It seems time has TrIcKeD me. I've been talking about this trip for so long and now its finally here and happening. I can't wait to see Jessica and Asa and there little house which I have been imagining to be hidden in a forest of beautiful green tree's.

I hope everyone has a wonderful spring break.