Friday, February 25, 2011

Lets Paint our faces of the prettiest colors and sit and watch as the leaves turn yellow around us.
How long will we last, before we go insane?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Rant Casey

Sweater-Forever 21
Hat-Urban Outfitters (on sell :D)

So the other night I went to this pretty rad concert. The bands who played were Vertigo Venus and Domestic Violence (the lead singer of Domestic Violence Is a friend of mine) Then after the concert we all headed to the after party/birthday party. nothing is more exciting then a house full of drunk Punks. All sorts of drama went down and when I say drama I mean like what you see when you watch MTV. I also found out that night when we left, that my two friends are absolutely horrible at giving directions when they are drunk. I drove around in circles for about 45 mins and I had to turn around atleast 20 times.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Things to do this year.

Become a better snowboarder/skiier, Learn to play the banjo (and start a street band), Buy a long board, Get an agent, Climb a building, Be in a movie, Paint a beautiful street art mural, Get a horse, Hangout with new people, Learn Yoga, Climb a mountain,Take a beautiful picture,Fly, Buy a bicycle, Help somebody, Live my life the way I want, Realize something great, Learn a diffrent language, Learn to dance, Go to California, Oregon, Washington and North Carolina.

I will continue to add to this, and when the year is up I will post everything I achomplished! Well I'm off to go workout and then I will be headed downtown with a friend so she can get a Tattoo. Have a great day everyone.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Gypsy Fest 2010

 Bigger view, it's of a fire juggler

What a wonderful day, filled with intresting people and lovely friends. Chloe ended up catching the eye of a lovely gypsy girl. whom later we ran into during an Edward Sharp and the magnetic zero's concert. We almost got ran over by a car trying to chase her down to speak with her. She told us her name but I don't remember it. "Nadine" isnt the right name, but it's the first name that comes to mind.
The sandals I'm wearing I stole from a beach when I was living in Alabama. I still feel horrible about doing this and if I ever found the person I took them from I'd buy them a new pair.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The dress is from Urban Outfitters for a whopping $10.00. yay for sells.:) Knee highs - Forever 21 and shoes - thrift store. Um this is my first time using the hype button as well which is exciting

Friend: Elizabeth why are you so grumpy?
Elizabeth: Because I can't get my stupid hype button to work on my blog!
Friend: um ok? that sucks
Elizabeth: Yay never mind I got it to work
Friend: whats a Hype button?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How do I do this?

So I've just been writing random thing's and posting them I actually have no idea what to put on a blog? If anyone knows or feels like they should inform me on how a blog works or what people want to hear and see? it would be a great help.

let me hear those thoughts? :)

Oh in other words I made myself a lookbook I’ll be posting some pictures soon. I'm still terribly a newbie at it, but hope you like.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm not sick, I'm not sick....

   well the past couple of days I've felt like utter shit.. I've been drinking tea like it's water and have been taking all sorts of herbal remedies to try and get better...I’m just going to deny the fact that I quite possibly have caught whatever virus is going around my school.

   I'm already slacking on this whole blogging thing. I've been meaning to try and write a little everyday but of course being myself I have put it off now for two days.
Soo lets recap whats been happening these past couple of days.
Yesterday my best friend and I went and spent the day downtown (it would have been much better if we weren’t so tired and hungover from the night before, though all that is an entirely different story that I’m not certain I want to talk about.) we ended up eating dinner at Anne Purna's which was amazing like usual. Another reason why I enjoy Anna Purna's so much besides their tasty vegan food is because there is a absolutely handsome boy who works there, whom I would oh so enjoy the pleasure of befriending him.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

   Three days of snow. These tiny little snow flakes make my so giddy inside. My little sister and I went on a wonderful adventure this morning and took some beautiful pictures. It's not a lot of snow compared to other places but for where I live this is a winter wonder land. Now I just wish I had some hot chocolate.

   I also just finished the book Rant by Chuck Palahniuk. Its a great book, really makes you think about life and such. “The future you have tomorrow won't be the same future you had yesterday.”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I don't know?

I've never actually had a blog before and I honestly don't know how long I will stick with writing this. I’m really bad at getting terribly bored with things. Um lets see what should I write? Umm.. my names Elizabeth Danyelle Floyd I'm attending some little community college for god knows what ( I don't have a major. I just want to learn and do everything my little heart desires) well I’m sure everyone will be learning a lot more about me as long as this blogging continues sooo we'll see how it goes then.